Featured Projects

Peer-to-Peer map

Lending Club, Propser and FOLIOfn lending approvals map, published by Lend Academy, shows state availability at the leading p2p lending sites: Lending Club and Propser. Read the complete details about the map here.
By: Katherine Santiago
Tools: JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Leaflet.js, Mapbox.

Lend Academy Investments

Lend Academy Investments is a flat responsive website created during my apprenticeship at Lend Academy.
By: Katherine Santiago
Tools: JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3


Bits. is a front-end app that allows the user to post bits of info and data, and filter them through their tags/categories from the navigation bar. Currently in Beta.
By: Katherine Santiago
Tools: JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS, and Isotope

Goin' Places

Goin' Places allows users to create, share and clone travel plans with other users.
By: Katherine Santiago and Matt Lucas
Tools: Ruby on Rails, jQuery, Sass, Bourbon and Neat.

NYC Farmers Markets

The NYC Farmers Markets map shows the locations of farmers' markets in the New York City area in 2013.
By: Jimmy Davis, Tom Metzger and Katherine Santiago
Tools: Ruby on Rails, jQuery, and D3.js, HTML, CSS

Track Congress Track Congress tracks federal representatives by state using two Sunlight Foundation APIs. It gives users an easy way to contact government officials through social media, find out which committees to which they belong, and their top 10 most frequently used words on the Congressional floor.
By: Katherine Santiago
Tools: Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS

New American Voices in the Hudson Valley New American Voices, published by Newsday, features video interviews of foreign-born residents of the Hudson Valley, who makeup more than 17% of the population of the area.
By: Matt Cassella and Katherine Santiago
Tools: jQuery, HTML, CSS

Interactive map of Hudson River development The New Hudson, published by Newsday, is an interactive map of development work along the Hudson Valley.
By: T.C. McCarthy and Katherine Santiago
Tools: Google Maps, jQuery, HTML, CSS

Kerry Kennedy: Her father's daughter Kerry Kennedy: Her father's daughter is a journalism project published by Newsday about RFK's 7th child.
By: Katherine Santiago
Tools: HTML, CSS

Because of Us Because of Us was created using state representatives' data from the Sunlight Foundation and state gun control data during a hackathon in 2013.
By: Marco Chang, Yvonne Leow, Margaret Kim, Katherine Santiago, and Dan Stratthaus